
Wednesday, January 14, 2015

pinterest pictures.

My 'interior design' pin board has been calling to me lately. Its my biggest board (867 pins!) but I feel like I don't really use it for anything productive. It also hit me the other day that in a few months now I will be building my very own home and can do whatever I please with it, so I better start sorting out my interior design thoughts!

One pattern I noticed in my pinning that made me a little sad was lots of large scale paintings/posters and also also interesting layouts for hanging pictures. 



I have so many lovely pictures as well as some large scale paintings that I love to have in my life, but won't be able to enjoy in bus life. This got me thinking about the idea of having small scale art and decoration for my small scale house, or as my mother and I say 'tiny house tiny art!' Something I realized I've already been doing, since I didn't bring most of my big art down to California with me. Next time I will share some of the tiny art I've already been playing with, but for now here is a little tiny art inspiration pulled from my pin board. 






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